Saturday, June 25, 2011

Founding Father

Like the revolutionaries of our nation's past, this man took a bullet so that, today, our legislatures can peacefully pass laws that recognize the full humanity of gay people in New York State and in all of America. After all the bullshit, this is what it comes down to: we progress with determination, with pride, and with arguing, but in the end we do it peacefully.

Sometimes I feel like burning the buildings down. But that's not necessary tonight.

Tonight, Harvey Milk is smiling. Those of you who fought on the front lines for this victory are his inheritors. Be proud.


Pictured: Harvey Milk's inauguration, January, 1978.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

"Rainbows & Unicorns" is coming!

My story "Rainbows & Unicorns" has been accepted by Aeon Press Books and will be published this fall in a volume called "Transtories". "Rainbows & Unicorns" is a sweet fairy tale with blood splattered all over it, in which a gang of hurt kids encounters a brand of helpful magic that, for some people, turns into a nightmare. I will leave it for you to discover why it fits perfectly in an anthology involving stories that in some way are based on the word "trans". I believe "Transtories" will be available in both print and electronic editions. I'll post an update when the story is published. Meanwhile, please check out the list to the left of my other published stories. Enjoy!
